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poezii de dragoste

Ars longa , Vita brevis

Colectia: Poezii de Dragoste

Every accident is not coincidence
Is ? religion of longing reflected in the outside –inside
(The God exist and certunely is in all )
Cosmic fabric of the world as a justificable like esthetic phenomen
( the second axiome: Does not matter that you are Christian , protestant , jew or catholic all get to where He is one for all regardless of the name you give)
A step /is result
To close as closer
The word
We want to close
On the shore where rhe roots of the sun
Will grow the body to get born again
Having from your arms /on your chest
Somewhere in the heart
I will love series of loneliness more than dad
More like a mother quiet shake up and tear out of me
(spinul )heel in the past ,
Every opening of eyelids
I see more beautiful in your eyes
The iris full of mervous energy,
The thought crossed in the universe unborn
In a disclosed beyond simple in my life /of all
a collage of principles /wishes and his smile with virtual ridate in light in loneliness
A room in which my dream away for some others , looking up

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